Celebrating Success

Full Marks!

In Jan 2022, Thea achieved full marks (60/60) in her Sports Science exam! Well done Thea!

Great Results!

Our Sports Science progress 8 score has been in the top 5% in the country for the last 5 years! In our last sports Science Exam, our students averaged 48/60, which is a Distinction!!

Sports MArk

Despite a year of Sport Interrupted by COVID, we still achieved a Sports Mark Silver award.

Athletics Club Link

We have recently worked with Barton and District Athletics Club to fund and build new Athletics Facilities including a Discus Cage, two Shot Putt Circles and two Long Jump pits.

Barton Town Cricket Club

We have recently worked with Barton Town Cricket Club to fund and build a new artificial Cricket Wicket, which will be completed for Summer 2023.

Elsham Golf Club

We have worked closely with Elsham Golf Club for a number of years, and all students get the opportunity to try golf in the curriculum. Last year we were the first school in the UK to run a 'Glow Golf' event.