
Year 9

Our Gateway curriculum aims to bridge the gap between the work studied in the GCSE Qualification, Sports Science Qualification and A-Level PE. We want our students to be all round learners, with a holistic view of Sport and we use the Gateway curriculum to achieve this. Topics that we cover include;

-Functions of the Skeletal System

-The Skeleton

-Classification of Bones

-Types of Joints

-Types of Movement

-Muscle Locations

-Antagonistic Pairs

-The Cardiovascular and Respiratory System

-Gaseous Exchange

-Sports Coaching

-Sports Leadership

-International Sports People.

During the Gateway we focus on practical skills, as well as developing theoretical skills ready for starting the OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sports Science course.

The Gateway curriculum sets students up for a wide range of careers, further education and apprenticeship opportunities, as well as supporting a wide range of life skills.