Key Stage 4

At Baysgarth we follow the OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sports Science Level 2 Course.

Year 10 & 11


Year 10- Classwork in Year 10 coursework with students completing two units of the OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sports Science Course:

-Applying the Principles of Training

-Nutrition & Sports Performance

These assignments are computer based and require students to write extended pieces of work on a variety of topics with each unit. Each assignment is assessed with a mark awarded, which contributes towards students final grade. Theoretical study is backed up by practical application.

Year 11- In Year 11 students switch to working towards their Sports Science exam. This will be sat in the Summer of Year 11, and will be based on a unit titled: Reducing the Risk of Sporting injury.


Homework is set every 2 weeks if required to support learning in lesson. Occasionally, work will be set to allow students time to complete research or preparation for assignments


Each unit of the course is given a different weighting by the exam board, with 40% of the marks coming from the exam and 60% from coursework. As students progress through the course, assignments will be marked and grades given accordingly. Every mark that a student gains will contribute towards their final grade, with students requiring 180/200 marks to achieve the top Distinction* grade.