

The KS2 national curriculum covers very similar content to the KS3 national curriculum, with less emphasis on competition, and much more focus on skills in isolation. Many students arrive at us from schools who have limited facilities and equipment, so may not have ever experienced some of the sports or activities that we offer. Its therefore important that we use formative assessment (target setting lessons) at the start of units of work, we build skills from the base up and incorporate these into competitive situations. We also use fitness testing at the start of Year 7 to assess their baseline, along with lessons in fundamentals skills and physical preparation to give all students a clear starting point.

We have taken into account the KS2 curriculum in our Assessment design through assigning descriptors that meet the KS2 curriculum at the lowest end of our spectrum, allowing scope for those students who come to us having not progressed to KS3 standard to still be set appropriate targets and assessments.

KS4-KS5 and beyond

We link the KS4 & KS5 curriculums in several ways.

Gateway curriculum; this bridges the gaps between our Sports Science course, GCSE PE and A-level, and gives students a foundation of knowledge that will ensure they are not disadvantaged in further education.

Assessment Model (Performance); The highest criteria in our practical assessment model are sufficiently challenging that they allow students to work at a standard where they could score well at A-level.

Assessment Model (3 R's); Through our 3 R's model we are able to develop students as a whole setting them up for the levels of responsibility, resilience and independence they will need in further education.